- Published Freelance Writer
Specializing in Fly Fishing, Upland Hunting and Angling Destinations.
Outdoor Writers Association of America
Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers
Outdoor Writers Association of America(OWAA) 2022
Second Place Magazine/Gear Technical
"Small Water Winter Fly Fishing Tactics and Techniques." FlyLords. March, 2021.
Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers
RMOWP 2022 conference,
Second Place Published Newspaper or Magazine category.
"Rocky Fork Creek, Ohio." American Fly Fishing magazine January/February 2022 issue.
Second Place E-publication category.
"Catalina Island and Calico Bass on the Fly." Echo Fly Fishing website, October 6, 2021.
Honorable Mention award, Unpublished Work category.
"He Never Said Anything About a Canvasback."
Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers
RMOWP 2021 Conference,
First Place Published Newspaper or Magazine category.
"Summer Smoke" TROUT magazine Winter 2021 issue.
Third Place Published Newspaper or Magazine catgegory.
"They will always be Blues." Upland Almanac magazine autumn 2020 issue.
Second Place E-publication category.
"Small water winter fly fishing tactics and techniques." FlyLords. March, 2021.
Honorable Mention Unpublished work category.
"Three Fates, the Highwaymen and a Bobber."
Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers
RMOWP 2017 Conference,
First Place; Newspaper, Magazine or other Publication
articles, columns, editorials & short stories category.
"Opening Day" The Pointing Dog Journal, Sept./Oct. 2015. Judge's Comments: Who can resist a sporting dog article that starts with a description of "an English Setter who travels with the extravagance of a prince on safari" ?! Nice essay tying together elements of family, hunting traditions and dogs that resonates well with multiple audiences.
RMOWP 2017 Conference,
Third Place; Newsletter and Web writing category.
"Autumn Angling" www.vailvalleyanglers.com/blog, Sept. 22, 2016.
Judge's Comments: Evocative lead into a well-done, straight forward piece on techniques for fishing in the fall.
My Scioto Valley magazine, 2014.
Honorable Mention
"Drums of the Scioto" Fly Fishing for Carp, Buffalo and Gar in the Scioto River
Chillicothe, Ohio.
Published writing, photography and more...
Author:"Five borderline flies for frigid conditions." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. When it comes to the cold weather fly fishing can benefit from some borderline flies, bugs that purists snub their noses at regularly. January 26, 2023.
Author:"Click and pawl or disc?" Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Fly reels are divided between two main categories by the type of drag inside the reel. Click and pawl or disc, both have specific jobs and do more than just hold your fly line. January 19, 2023.
Author:"Fireside fly fishing." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. During the winter months some anglers choose to stay connected by reading fly fishing literature. Curl up by the fire with one of these three excellent books this winter. January 12, 2023.
Author:"Say hello to hard water." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. When the ice grows thick in the stillwaters it's a good idea to drill a hole. Hard water makes for a fun winter day in Colorado. January 5, 2023.
Author:"Fly fishing New Year's resolutions." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Embracing angling as the focus for your New Year's resolutions is a more enjoyable approach. December 29, 2022.
Author:"Kayak fly fishing, a whole new game." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. A kayak opens up a whole new game when it comes to fly fishing. December 22, 2022.
Author:"Get a handle on things." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Knowing the reasons rod makers use different grip styles can increase your fly fishing enjoyment. Different grips produce different results. December 15, 2022.
Author:"Stocking stuffers and last minute guarantees." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Gifts for the fly angler on your list need not break the bank. After all, it's the little things that make fly fishing. So why not stuff a stocking full of the little things every angler will be sure to appreciate. December 8, 2022.
Author:"Winter wading challenges and hazards." Angling column Vail daily newspaper. Colorado. Venturing out into winter conditions for fly fishing requires some essential knowledge about ice and river to ensure a safe experience. December 1, 2022.
Author:"Holiday happiness for the angler in your life." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Looking for some holiday gift ideas for the angler in your life? Vail Valley Anglers fly shop has a huge selection of heirloom quality fly fishing accessories. November 25, 2022.
Author"The Mightiest itty bitties." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Cold weather will rule the rivers for the next few months. Having these five nymphs in your box ensures continued success all winter long. November 18, 2022.
Author:"Leader Length." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Working your way through the immense amount of choices when it comes to leaders can be daunting. Making selections based on your approach is a good way to start. Novembeer 11, 2022.
Author:"Have you met the perdigon?" Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. While my personal tendencies lean towards the dry fly, only a fool would neglect to recognize the importance the perdigon has made on fly fishing. November 4, 2022.
Author:"Winter angling preparation." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Winter weather descending upon the valley catching anglers unprepared for the cold. A little preparation now will go a long way towards keeping you in the game all winter. October 28, 2022.
Author:"The 30-degree swing during Fall." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. How to find success fly fishing during a 30-degree rise in temperature. October 21, 2022.
Author:"Autumn warmwater fly fishing." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Ohio. Went back to Ohio for a 25th anniversary celebration and of course I had to do a little fly fishing with my Dad and brothers. October 14, 2022.
Author:"Using advanced streamer techniques." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Time for colored leaves, apple cider and streamers. Anglers looking for the best action in the river are rigging up for throwing heavy flies before winter arrives. October 6, 2022.
Author:"Jump Around." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. When anglers want the best shot at obtaining a Grand Slam of trout on Gore Creek the best approach is to jump around. September 30, 2022.
Author:"Stripping nymphs on stillwaters." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. The ice will cover up our stillwaters soon. Fans of ponds, lakes and reservoirs need to get after it before the hardwater shuts it down. Anglers that do will find success imparting movement with their nymphs. September 23, 2022.
Author:"Anglers having a fit of Midge madness." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Coming into autumn anglers are experiencing an emergence along the riverbanks. Midges are skating on the surface in great numbers and trout are quick to gobble them down. Anglers can encounter some excellent dry fly sight fishing. September 16, 2022.
Author:"The formula for success: Big flies + Little water= Huge rewards." Vail daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. It's that time of year when big flies like grasshoppers fished in smaller waters like streams and creeks yield huge rewards. September 9, 2022.
Author:"Fly Fishing I at Colorado Mountain College." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. New to fly fishing or looking to increase your knowledge base the Fly Fishing I course offered through Colorado Mountain College and instructed by Vail Valley Anglers guides is sure to deliver. September 2, 2022.
Author:"Finesse Nymphing" Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Nymphing doesn't need to be the heavy weight affair most anglers associate with fly fishing. Subtle and delicate can put more fish in the net when you finesse nymph. August 25, 2022.
Author:"Microstructure." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. When water levels drop microstructure becomes the key to success. Aug. 18, 2022.
Author:"Squeeze it." Vail Daily newspaper, Colorado. Summer is still here. Take some time to squeeze the last rays of sunshine from the season. Aug, 12, 2022.
Author:"Variety is the spice of life." Vail Daily newspaper, Colorado. Alternative locations for anglers are available if you know where to look. Avoid the hot water a chase some of the highly sought after trout in Colorado. August 4, 2022.
Author:"The Fancy Stick" Vail Daily newspaper, Colorado. Anglers intimidates by fly fishing need only to explore professional instruction to overcome. Falling in love with the fancy Stick is easy to do. July 28, 2022.
Author:" Going Solo." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Taking off into the back country for a shot a cutthroat trout in dry flies all by myself. Your pace and approach is different when you go solo. July 21, 2022.
Author:"Freaks on Flies." Fly Fisherman magazine. Florida has an issue with the massive presence of invasive species swimming in the freshwater. My article centers on the growing angling industry that has blossomed as a result. Fly anglers can target hard to reach species from far off countries and scratch off bucket list fish without stamping a passport. August/September 2022.
Author:"The heat is on." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Water temperatures in the local rivers have spiked into a dangerous zone. July 14, 2022.
Author:"The how and where of dry dropper rigs." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Want to know how to rig a dry dropper outfit and where to present such a rig? The focus for this week's Angling column is all about dry droppers. July 7, 2022.
Author:"Wading safely." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. With the high water beginning to subside angler need a little refresher on safe wading techniques. June 30, 2022.
Author:"Time to fish small streamers." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Following the calendar and doing the math leads anglers to the main reason for fishing small streamers now. June 23, 2022.
Author: "Five reasons to throw flies in the dark." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Florida. Chasing tarpon and snook after the sunsets puts a different level of challenge in the game. But the results are all the proof an angler needs. June 16, 2022.
Author:"Advice for traveling anglers." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Florida. Advice for traveling anglers. From before the trip begins to the gear you need to pack and how to pack it. June 9, 2022.
Author:" Run-off or running out?" Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. I've been watching the river. It seems like the peak of run-off has already passed us by. Is there enough snow to maintain the run off or are we running out already? June 2, 2022.
Author:"Getting ready for summer." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. The best fly fishing is just around the corner. Getting ready now helps build excitement and prepares anglers for the active time of year. May 27, 2022.
Author:"Special Bugs" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Do you have a special bug that when you find a new pattern you always purchase? They might be a freak hatch or a short window when the bugs are around but you still look for those flies. May 20, 2022.
Author:"Mother's Day caddis...or is it?" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Did you miss it if you didn't fish on Mother's Day? Not really. Go ahead an get out there to fish. Your Mom wants you to. May 12, 2022.
Author:"Repairing minor cork damage to your handle." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. It will happen sometime. Knowing how to repair minor damage to your fly rod handle can extend the life of your rod. May 5, 2022.
Author:"Be ready for change." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Arizona. Well ,despite planning for years, I had to be ready for change in order to salvage a trip. Lees Ferry, Arizona is a must do for traveling fly anglers. April 29, 2022.
Author:"Lees Ferry, here we come." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Arizona. Lees Ferry, Arizona is the destination. One of the truly iconic angling locations in the lower 48. April 21, 2022.
Author:"One of each." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. April is an odd month for angling. Fly fishers can encounter any type of weather or water. I pick one fly from each group, nymph, emerger, dry, streamer, performance and wild card to deal with any water you find. April 15, 2022.
Author:"Two Faces of the Eagle River." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Pg31. Colorado. The Eagle River is wearing two distinctly different faces right now. The valley melt has muddied up the water color for the lower Eagle River. But the upper Eagle River is in great shape. April 8, 2022.
Author:"Safe Fish Handling Recommendations." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Watching an angler behind my place on the Eagle River inspired this week's column focus. March 31, 2022.
Author:"A unique learning opportunity." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. March 25, 2022. Taking advantage of a unique opportunity to volunteer for an EagleRiver electro-shock survey with CPW biologist Kendall Bakich. Anglers can learn a lot from participating in such an event.
Author:"M&Ms for leeches." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. March 18, 2022. My Angling column for this week recognizes the importance of leeches as a food source and how fly anglers fish leech flies successfully.
Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers- Members News, March 15, 2022. A short write up about two of my published articles. And a brief about a couple Podcasts where I was the guest of Scott Linden on Upland Nation podcast.
Author:"Don't forget the freaks." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Florida. In southern Florida the amount of invasive species inhabiting the canals is tremendous. Chasing them on the fly has created a unique opportunity to scratch off some hard to reach species, no passport required. March 11, 2022.
Author:"Sealing the deal." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. When it comes time to shortening the fight and securing the fish on the end of your line landing nets are the tool to help you Seal the Deal. March 4, 2022.
Author:"Apres Angling." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Anglers have taken the apres-ski game to the river. And we are doing it better than ever with a quality 10th Mountain Whiskey tasting after a morning on the Eagle River, Colorado. February 25, 2022.
Author:" Trouble with tippet." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Tippet is one of the most misunderstood components of a fly anglers terminal rigging. Knowing a little about the different types of tippet and how to use them will increase your angling success. February 18, 2022.
Author:"Wader Repair." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column, Colorado. Wader repair insures the utilitarian function of your valuable fly fishing waders. February 11, 2022.
Author:"Rocky Fork Creek, Ohio." American Fly Fishing magazine Notes piece. Ohio. Floating and fly fishing through one of Ohio's most scenic water ways. Rocky Fork Creek is a priceless gem. January/February, 2022.
Author:"Catching the Window." Vail Daily newspaper angling column. Colorado. To maximize your effectiveness when fly fishing in the winter concentrate your time on the best window for opportunity, Catch the window. February 4, 2022.
Author:"I'm Planning a Fly Fishing Trip." Vail Daily newspaper. Arizona. Making plans for a fly fishing trip to Lees Ferry, Arizona. Camping, floating and fly fishing with a world class backdrop, this is going to be good. January 28, 2022.
Author:"Looking Ahead Prepping Now." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Looking ahead to some of my favorite fly fishing events in warmer temperatures. January 21, 2022.
Author:"Low and Slow." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Winter fly fishing at it's best. The lowdown on how to fly fish during the coldest months of the year. January 14, 2022.
Author:"10 fly fishing resolutions for the new year." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. I provide a list of 10 fly fishing resolutions that anglers can pick one, all or use as ideas for creating your own. Fly fishing resolutions, the ones you will want to keep. January 7, 2022.
Author: "The ice has arrived" Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. My article this week is all about ice fishing. Safety, tactics and techniques for ice fishing success. December 31, 2021.
Author: "Fryingpan river; a winter tailwater destination." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. The Fryingpan river in Colorado is a world class winter angling destination all anglers need to experience. December 24, 2021.
Author: "Keeping connected during the winter months." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Three ideas for keeping connected to the sport we love during the cold weather. From a selection of fly fishing literature to read, repairing or reorganizing and planning a trip. December 16, 2021.
Author:"Bundle up, baby it's cold outside." Vail Daily newspaper angling column, Colorado. My column for this week covers how to stay warm when fly fishing in winter weather. There is advice on safe handling of fish during the winter months too. December 10, 2021.
Author:"Gifts for your favorite angler." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column, Colorado. A selection of ideas Vail Valley Anglers fly shop has for holiday presents. Inexpensive stocking stuffers to heirloom quality gifts. December 3, 2021.
Podcast Guest: Upland Nation podcast with Scott Linden. We talk about hunting "Blue" Grouse, a recent writing award I received for my Upland Almanac magazine article on Blues and more. November 25, 2021.
Author:"Preparing for 'hard water' now." Colorado. Take stock of your ice fishing gear. Order new tackle now. November 26, 2021.
Author:"Midges are tic-tacs for trout."Colorado. Information about the mighty midge fly, how to fish them and why they are important. November 19, 2021.
Author:"Choosing the best sunglasses for fly fishing." Colorado & Florida. Practical information to guide anglers in their next pair of sunglasses decision for freshwater, saltwater or multi-purpose use. November 12, 2021.
Author:"Where to put your fly for success." Colorado. Mayflies, Caddis flies, Stoneflies and more, where do you put them? November 4, 2021.
Author:"How to Target Big Brown Trout." Colorado. Professional fly fishing advice for targeting the biggest brown trout of the year. Mouse flies, streamers and more. October 28, 2021.
Award Winner: Vail Daily press release. "Local writer wins awards for fishing and hunting articles." Colorado. I was awarded multiple writing awards from the 2021 RMOWP conference and contest. October 20, 2021.
Author: "For reels, you've got to keep it clean." Colorado. Advice for cleaning your gear especially your fly fishing reel. October 21, 2021.
Author: "Wrapping up a season on the river" Colorado. Recap of the issues and hazards guides needed to negotiate during this past summer. October 13, 2021.
"Author:"Catalina Island & Calico Bass" California. Echo Fly Fishing website features a blog post I wrote about how my brother, Daniel Salomone, and I made another fly fishing trip out to Catalina Island, California to chase Calico Bass and anything else we could get to eat a fly. Love fishing for Calicos around Catalina. It is an easily attainable, exotic adventure. October 6, 2021.
Author:"Setting up for Fall pike action." Colorado. Embracing the challenge. Northern Pike on the fly. Flies, tactics and gear recommendations as well as a few Colorado locations. October 8, 2021.
Author:"October is the end of the high country season." Colorado. Get your high country trout fishing in before the snow covers them up. October is the last opportunity to catch a high country trout. October 1, 2021.
Author:"Do you keep a fly fishing journal?" Colorado. Advice for keeping a fly fishing journal. Why you would want to create one and the joys it brings to the game. September 24, 2021.
Author: "Here's why you would want a specialty fly rod." Colorado. Some fly fishing professionals divulge their favorite pet fly rods. From 2wt dry fly rods to heavyweight, offshore fly rods every one has a niche. September 17, 2021.
Author: "A Half-dozen for Fall" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. A half dozen flies that will get you into trout during the Fall. September 9, 2021.
Author:"Short and Sweet Information about Streamer Fishing." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. The low down information to get an angler into streamer fly fishing. September 3, 2021.
Author: "A No Nonsense Approach at the School of Trout" Vail daily newspaper. Idaho. Part 2 on attending the School of Trout. August 27, 2021.
Author:"Going Back to School." Vail Daily newspaper. Idaho. Part 1 of 2 about going to School of Trout for an Advanced Dry Fly course. Aug. 20, 2021.
Author: "As Summer Wanes, It's Terrestrial Time." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Information about late summer fly fishing with Terrestrial flies. Aug 13, 2021.
Podcast Guest on the Upland Nation podcast with Scott Linden, host of Wingshooting USA tv. We discuss my recently published article in Upland Almanac magazine, "Snipe at 10,000'. " Aug 12, 2021.
Author: "Small Streams" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Talking about little water, small streams and creeks. Why fly fish them, the gear you need and the rewards. Aug 6, 2021.
Author:"Time to Reach for Some Colorado Gold." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. This column is about Trout Unlimited's new program Colorado Gold. Scott Willoughby helped with the facts. July 30, 2021.
Author:"Why Try Warm Water Fishing?" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Take your fly rod to Gypsum Ponds SWA for warm water species.
July 23, 2021.
Author: "Here's Why You Want to Use a Dry-dropper." Vail Daily newpaper. Colorado. Reasons and rigging for fly fishing with a Dry-dropper tactic. July 16, 2021.
Author:"Snipe at 10,000'." Upland Almanac magazine. Colorado. Hunting Wilson's Snipe in the Colorado high country above 10,000' in elevation. Autumn issue 2021.
Podcast Guest on the Upland Nation podcast with Scott Linden, host of Wingshooting USA tv. We discuss my recently published article in Upland Almanac magazine, "Snipe at 10,000'. " Aug 12, 2021.
Author:"Throw it All." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. The recent emergence of a large variety of bugs allows anglers to throw it all and have success. July 2, 2021.
Author:"It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about rising river temperatures, the affects on the fish and how to get around a difficult angling situation. June 24, 2021.
Author:"The lights are Brighter at Night" Vail Daily newspaper. Florida. Article is about fly fishing at night around dock lights in West Palm Beach, Florida. June 17, 2021.
Author: "Hitting the Beach for Some Florida Fishing." Vail Daily newspaper. Florida. Article is about fly fishing for Snook and fishing with your family. June 10, 2021.
Author: "New to Fly Fishing? Start with the Basics." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about setting up your own fly fishing gear for beginners. June 3, 2021.
Author: "School's Out: Where to take the kids fishing." Vail Daily newspaper Colorado. Article about three stillwaters in Eagle County to take kids fishing. May 28, 2021.
Author: " Fly Fishing & Coming out of COVID-19." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about fly shops coming out of Covid. May 21, 2021.
Author: "Salmonflies, the myths, the facts and the fish of a lifetime." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about the annual Salmonfly hatch in Colorado. May 14, 2021.
Author: "Run off is Here, What's New on the River?" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about Rancho del Rio and what to expect this summer on the Colorado River as well as tips. May 7, 2021.
Author: "It Might Just Be Time to Hit the Road with Fishing Gear." Vail Daily newspaper. Travel. Article about protecting your gear with travel specific luggage for anglers and what should be in that bag. April 30, 2021.
Author: "Mother's Day marks the Time for Warmer Waters." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about preparing for the Mother's Day caddis hatch on the Eagle River. April 23, 2021.
Author:"Meeting the Spring Mayfly Blue Wing Olive aka the BWO." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about the most important mayfly the Blue Wing Olive. April 15, 2021.
Author: "Local Fly Fishing Guides Give Tips for Preseason Float Preparation." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about preparing your raft for the first float of the season. April 8, 2021.
Author: "How Small is Too Small when it comes to flies while fly fishing in Colorado?" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about fishing with tiny nymphs. April 1, 2021.
Author: "Small water winter fly fishing tips and techniques" FlyLords, article about small water winter fly fishing tactics on Gore Creek, Colorado. March 19, 2021.
**Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers 2021, Award winner. Second Place Electronic Publication category.**
Author: "Flyrods, fiberglass versus graphite" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. March 18, 2021.
Author: "How to Harness Motion in High Water while Fishing on Rising Rivers." Vail Daily newspaper, article about utilizing motion as the key factor for choosing your flies and approach to high water fly fishing in Colorado. March 5, 2021.
Author: "Summer Smoke" TROUT magazine. Feature article Voices from the River piece about the wild fires in Colorado, Winter 2021 issue.
** Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers 2021, Award winner. First Place Published Magazine category.**
Author "Subtle fly fishing changes come with the seasons in Colorado" Vail Daily newspaper, an article about how subtle temperature changes trigger feeding activity during winter fly fishing in Colorado. February 18, 2021.
Author: "The Echo Traverse Kit" Echo Fly Fishing website. Product Review, Trout kit. September 10, 2020.
Author & Artist: "How to Paint a Brown Trout Drift Boat" FlyLords magazine. Article features a Colorado Drift Boat rejuvenation ending with a Custom Brown Trout paint job by me. August 9. 2020.
Author: "They Will Always Be Blues." Upland Almanac magazine. Feature article on grouse hunting in the Colorado mountains. July 20, 2020.
** Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers 2021, Award winner. Third Place Published magazine category.**
Author: "A Love Affair with the Gunnison Reel." FlyLords magazine. Focus on the Gunnison fly reel by Ross Reels. May 22, 2020.
Author: "Winter Trout Escapades" Colorado, ECHO Fly Fishing website. Targeted species Trout, February 4, 2020.
Author: "Remembering Tred Barta; An Inspirational Outdoorsman" FlyLords magazine. August 22, 2019.
Author: "Dry Fly Fishing-Tips and Techniques" Colorado, FlyLords magazine. Targeted Species Trout, July 30, 2019.
Author: "Hammers." Colorado, Echo Fly Fishing website. Targeted species Trout, May 16, 2019.
Author: "Winter Fly Fishing Tips: Making the Most Out of Winter Fly Fishing." Colorado, Flylords magazine. Targeted species Trout,
January 14, 2019. Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers 2021 Award winner, Second Place Electronic Publication category.
Author: "5 Reasons Why the Scientific Anglers Amplitude Smooth Flyline is Superior" Colorado, Flylords magazine. Targeted species Trout, December 12, 2018.
Author: "Mahi-Mahi on the BAG" Florida, Echo piece, targeted species MahiMahi/Dorado, Echo Fly Fishing website. July 2, 2018.
Author: "Boca Raton, Florida" Notes piece, targeted species Snook, Jacks and Tarpon, Eastern Fly Fishing magazine. May/June, 2018.
Author: "Double Dipping" Colorado, Echo piece, targeted species Trout, Echo Fly Fishing website. March, 2018.
Author: "Blue Water Dorado, On the Fly" Feature article, Florida location, targeted species MahiMahi/Dorado, On the Fly online magazine. Fall 2017 issue.
Author: "Singer Island, Florida" Notes piece, targeted species Tarpon, Snook and Jacks, Eastern Fly Fishing magazine. Sept./Oct. 2017.
Author: "Autumn in the High Country" Colorado Echo piece, targeted species Trout, Echo Fly Fishing website. September, 2017.
Author: "Peanut Island, Florida" Notes piece, targeted species Snook and Barracuda, Eastern Fly Fishing magazine. Jan./Feb. 2017.
Author: "Stagecoach Reservoir Tailwater, Colorado" Notes piece, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing magazine. Sept./Oct. 2016.
Author: "Adventure on the Sand" Delray Beach, Florida. Feature article, targeted species Snook, Jacks and Tarpon, Eastern Fly Fishing magazine. Jan./Feb. 2016.
Author: "Opening Day" Colorado, targeted species Blue Grouse, Snipe and Sharptail Grouse, The Pointing Dog Journal magazine. September/October 2015 issue.
***First Place award in 2017 from the Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers & Photographers organization.***
Author: "Scioto River, Ohio" Notes piece, Rough Fish Carp, Gar and Buffalo, Eastern Fly Fishing magazine. July/August 2015 issue.
Author: "When Wolves Eat Flies" Stagecoach Reservoir, Colorado. Feature article, targeted species Northern Pike, Southwest Fly Fishing March/April 2015 issue.
Author: "Chantry Flat, California." Notes piece, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing January/February 2015 issue.
Author: "An Affair to Remember, Gore Creek, Colorado" Feature article, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing Nov./Dec. 2014 issue.
Author: "Sneaky-Deaky 'Layover' Bass" Florida article, targeted species Peacock Bass, Fly Rod & Reel magazine Summer 2014 issue.
Author: "South Florida Canals on Foot" Florida Notes section article, targeted species Peacock Bass, Eastern Fly Fishing magazine July/Aug. 2014.
Author: "Sylvan Lake & Brush Creeks, Colorado" Notes section Lead article, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing, May/June 2014 issue.
Author: "Drums of the Scioto" Chillicothe, Ohio Honorable Mention Winner, targeted species Carp and Freshwater Buffalo, My Scioto Valley magazine, Chillicothe Gazette 2014.
Author: "South Fork of the White River, Colorado" Notes lead article, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing, Nov./Dec. 2013 issue.
Author: "Trails to Glory, Gore Canyon, Colorado River." article, targeted species Trout, Fly Rod and Reel, Summer 2013 issue.
Author: "The Fryingpan River, Of Midges and Mysis." Feature article, Colorado, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing, November/December 2012 issue. http://www.matchthehatch.com/SouthwestFlyFishing
Author:"Sixty Miles of Opportunity, Eagle River, Colorado" Feature article, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing, July/August 2012 issue. http://www.matchthehatch.com/SouthwestFlyFishing
Author:"Click and pawl or disc?" Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Fly reels are divided between two main categories by the type of drag inside the reel. Click and pawl or disc, both have specific jobs and do more than just hold your fly line. January 19, 2023.
Author:"Fireside fly fishing." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. During the winter months some anglers choose to stay connected by reading fly fishing literature. Curl up by the fire with one of these three excellent books this winter. January 12, 2023.
Author:"Say hello to hard water." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. When the ice grows thick in the stillwaters it's a good idea to drill a hole. Hard water makes for a fun winter day in Colorado. January 5, 2023.
Author:"Fly fishing New Year's resolutions." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Embracing angling as the focus for your New Year's resolutions is a more enjoyable approach. December 29, 2022.
Author:"Kayak fly fishing, a whole new game." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. A kayak opens up a whole new game when it comes to fly fishing. December 22, 2022.
Author:"Get a handle on things." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Knowing the reasons rod makers use different grip styles can increase your fly fishing enjoyment. Different grips produce different results. December 15, 2022.
Author:"Stocking stuffers and last minute guarantees." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Gifts for the fly angler on your list need not break the bank. After all, it's the little things that make fly fishing. So why not stuff a stocking full of the little things every angler will be sure to appreciate. December 8, 2022.
Author:"Winter wading challenges and hazards." Angling column Vail daily newspaper. Colorado. Venturing out into winter conditions for fly fishing requires some essential knowledge about ice and river to ensure a safe experience. December 1, 2022.
Author:"Holiday happiness for the angler in your life." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Looking for some holiday gift ideas for the angler in your life? Vail Valley Anglers fly shop has a huge selection of heirloom quality fly fishing accessories. November 25, 2022.
Author"The Mightiest itty bitties." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Cold weather will rule the rivers for the next few months. Having these five nymphs in your box ensures continued success all winter long. November 18, 2022.
Author:"Leader Length." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Working your way through the immense amount of choices when it comes to leaders can be daunting. Making selections based on your approach is a good way to start. Novembeer 11, 2022.
Author:"Have you met the perdigon?" Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. While my personal tendencies lean towards the dry fly, only a fool would neglect to recognize the importance the perdigon has made on fly fishing. November 4, 2022.
Author:"Winter angling preparation." Angling column Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Winter weather descending upon the valley catching anglers unprepared for the cold. A little preparation now will go a long way towards keeping you in the game all winter. October 28, 2022.
Author:"The 30-degree swing during Fall." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. How to find success fly fishing during a 30-degree rise in temperature. October 21, 2022.
Author:"Autumn warmwater fly fishing." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Ohio. Went back to Ohio for a 25th anniversary celebration and of course I had to do a little fly fishing with my Dad and brothers. October 14, 2022.
Author:"Using advanced streamer techniques." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Time for colored leaves, apple cider and streamers. Anglers looking for the best action in the river are rigging up for throwing heavy flies before winter arrives. October 6, 2022.
Author:"Jump Around." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. When anglers want the best shot at obtaining a Grand Slam of trout on Gore Creek the best approach is to jump around. September 30, 2022.
Author:"Stripping nymphs on stillwaters." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. The ice will cover up our stillwaters soon. Fans of ponds, lakes and reservoirs need to get after it before the hardwater shuts it down. Anglers that do will find success imparting movement with their nymphs. September 23, 2022.
Author:"Anglers having a fit of Midge madness." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Coming into autumn anglers are experiencing an emergence along the riverbanks. Midges are skating on the surface in great numbers and trout are quick to gobble them down. Anglers can encounter some excellent dry fly sight fishing. September 16, 2022.
Author:"The formula for success: Big flies + Little water= Huge rewards." Vail daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. It's that time of year when big flies like grasshoppers fished in smaller waters like streams and creeks yield huge rewards. September 9, 2022.
Author:"Fly Fishing I at Colorado Mountain College." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. New to fly fishing or looking to increase your knowledge base the Fly Fishing I course offered through Colorado Mountain College and instructed by Vail Valley Anglers guides is sure to deliver. September 2, 2022.
Author:"Finesse Nymphing" Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Nymphing doesn't need to be the heavy weight affair most anglers associate with fly fishing. Subtle and delicate can put more fish in the net when you finesse nymph. August 25, 2022.
Author:"Microstructure." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. When water levels drop microstructure becomes the key to success. Aug. 18, 2022.
Author:"Squeeze it." Vail Daily newspaper, Colorado. Summer is still here. Take some time to squeeze the last rays of sunshine from the season. Aug, 12, 2022.
Author:"Variety is the spice of life." Vail Daily newspaper, Colorado. Alternative locations for anglers are available if you know where to look. Avoid the hot water a chase some of the highly sought after trout in Colorado. August 4, 2022.
Author:"The Fancy Stick" Vail Daily newspaper, Colorado. Anglers intimidates by fly fishing need only to explore professional instruction to overcome. Falling in love with the fancy Stick is easy to do. July 28, 2022.
Author:" Going Solo." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Taking off into the back country for a shot a cutthroat trout in dry flies all by myself. Your pace and approach is different when you go solo. July 21, 2022.
Author:"Freaks on Flies." Fly Fisherman magazine. Florida has an issue with the massive presence of invasive species swimming in the freshwater. My article centers on the growing angling industry that has blossomed as a result. Fly anglers can target hard to reach species from far off countries and scratch off bucket list fish without stamping a passport. August/September 2022.
Author:"The heat is on." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Water temperatures in the local rivers have spiked into a dangerous zone. July 14, 2022.
Author:"The how and where of dry dropper rigs." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Want to know how to rig a dry dropper outfit and where to present such a rig? The focus for this week's Angling column is all about dry droppers. July 7, 2022.
Author:"Wading safely." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. With the high water beginning to subside angler need a little refresher on safe wading techniques. June 30, 2022.
Author:"Time to fish small streamers." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Following the calendar and doing the math leads anglers to the main reason for fishing small streamers now. June 23, 2022.
Author: "Five reasons to throw flies in the dark." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Florida. Chasing tarpon and snook after the sunsets puts a different level of challenge in the game. But the results are all the proof an angler needs. June 16, 2022.
Author:"Advice for traveling anglers." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Florida. Advice for traveling anglers. From before the trip begins to the gear you need to pack and how to pack it. June 9, 2022.
Author:" Run-off or running out?" Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. I've been watching the river. It seems like the peak of run-off has already passed us by. Is there enough snow to maintain the run off or are we running out already? June 2, 2022.
Author:"Getting ready for summer." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. The best fly fishing is just around the corner. Getting ready now helps build excitement and prepares anglers for the active time of year. May 27, 2022.
Author:"Special Bugs" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Do you have a special bug that when you find a new pattern you always purchase? They might be a freak hatch or a short window when the bugs are around but you still look for those flies. May 20, 2022.
Author:"Mother's Day caddis...or is it?" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Did you miss it if you didn't fish on Mother's Day? Not really. Go ahead an get out there to fish. Your Mom wants you to. May 12, 2022.
Author:"Repairing minor cork damage to your handle." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. It will happen sometime. Knowing how to repair minor damage to your fly rod handle can extend the life of your rod. May 5, 2022.
Author:"Be ready for change." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Arizona. Well ,despite planning for years, I had to be ready for change in order to salvage a trip. Lees Ferry, Arizona is a must do for traveling fly anglers. April 29, 2022.
Author:"Lees Ferry, here we come." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Arizona. Lees Ferry, Arizona is the destination. One of the truly iconic angling locations in the lower 48. April 21, 2022.
Author:"One of each." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. April is an odd month for angling. Fly fishers can encounter any type of weather or water. I pick one fly from each group, nymph, emerger, dry, streamer, performance and wild card to deal with any water you find. April 15, 2022.
Author:"Two Faces of the Eagle River." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Pg31. Colorado. The Eagle River is wearing two distinctly different faces right now. The valley melt has muddied up the water color for the lower Eagle River. But the upper Eagle River is in great shape. April 8, 2022.
Author:"Safe Fish Handling Recommendations." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Watching an angler behind my place on the Eagle River inspired this week's column focus. March 31, 2022.
Author:"A unique learning opportunity." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. March 25, 2022. Taking advantage of a unique opportunity to volunteer for an EagleRiver electro-shock survey with CPW biologist Kendall Bakich. Anglers can learn a lot from participating in such an event.
Author:"M&Ms for leeches." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. March 18, 2022. My Angling column for this week recognizes the importance of leeches as a food source and how fly anglers fish leech flies successfully.
Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers- Members News, March 15, 2022. A short write up about two of my published articles. And a brief about a couple Podcasts where I was the guest of Scott Linden on Upland Nation podcast.
Author:"Don't forget the freaks." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Florida. In southern Florida the amount of invasive species inhabiting the canals is tremendous. Chasing them on the fly has created a unique opportunity to scratch off some hard to reach species, no passport required. March 11, 2022.
Author:"Sealing the deal." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. When it comes time to shortening the fight and securing the fish on the end of your line landing nets are the tool to help you Seal the Deal. March 4, 2022.
Author:"Apres Angling." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Anglers have taken the apres-ski game to the river. And we are doing it better than ever with a quality 10th Mountain Whiskey tasting after a morning on the Eagle River, Colorado. February 25, 2022.
Author:" Trouble with tippet." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Tippet is one of the most misunderstood components of a fly anglers terminal rigging. Knowing a little about the different types of tippet and how to use them will increase your angling success. February 18, 2022.
Author:"Wader Repair." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column, Colorado. Wader repair insures the utilitarian function of your valuable fly fishing waders. February 11, 2022.
Author:"Rocky Fork Creek, Ohio." American Fly Fishing magazine Notes piece. Ohio. Floating and fly fishing through one of Ohio's most scenic water ways. Rocky Fork Creek is a priceless gem. January/February, 2022.
Author:"Catching the Window." Vail Daily newspaper angling column. Colorado. To maximize your effectiveness when fly fishing in the winter concentrate your time on the best window for opportunity, Catch the window. February 4, 2022.
Author:"I'm Planning a Fly Fishing Trip." Vail Daily newspaper. Arizona. Making plans for a fly fishing trip to Lees Ferry, Arizona. Camping, floating and fly fishing with a world class backdrop, this is going to be good. January 28, 2022.
Author:"Looking Ahead Prepping Now." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Looking ahead to some of my favorite fly fishing events in warmer temperatures. January 21, 2022.
Author:"Low and Slow." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Winter fly fishing at it's best. The lowdown on how to fly fish during the coldest months of the year. January 14, 2022.
Author:"10 fly fishing resolutions for the new year." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. I provide a list of 10 fly fishing resolutions that anglers can pick one, all or use as ideas for creating your own. Fly fishing resolutions, the ones you will want to keep. January 7, 2022.
Author: "The ice has arrived" Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. My article this week is all about ice fishing. Safety, tactics and techniques for ice fishing success. December 31, 2021.
Author: "Fryingpan river; a winter tailwater destination." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. The Fryingpan river in Colorado is a world class winter angling destination all anglers need to experience. December 24, 2021.
Author: "Keeping connected during the winter months." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column. Colorado. Three ideas for keeping connected to the sport we love during the cold weather. From a selection of fly fishing literature to read, repairing or reorganizing and planning a trip. December 16, 2021.
Author:"Bundle up, baby it's cold outside." Vail Daily newspaper angling column, Colorado. My column for this week covers how to stay warm when fly fishing in winter weather. There is advice on safe handling of fish during the winter months too. December 10, 2021.
Author:"Gifts for your favorite angler." Vail Daily newspaper Angling column, Colorado. A selection of ideas Vail Valley Anglers fly shop has for holiday presents. Inexpensive stocking stuffers to heirloom quality gifts. December 3, 2021.
Podcast Guest: Upland Nation podcast with Scott Linden. We talk about hunting "Blue" Grouse, a recent writing award I received for my Upland Almanac magazine article on Blues and more. November 25, 2021.
Author:"Preparing for 'hard water' now." Colorado. Take stock of your ice fishing gear. Order new tackle now. November 26, 2021.
Author:"Midges are tic-tacs for trout."Colorado. Information about the mighty midge fly, how to fish them and why they are important. November 19, 2021.
Author:"Choosing the best sunglasses for fly fishing." Colorado & Florida. Practical information to guide anglers in their next pair of sunglasses decision for freshwater, saltwater or multi-purpose use. November 12, 2021.
Author:"Where to put your fly for success." Colorado. Mayflies, Caddis flies, Stoneflies and more, where do you put them? November 4, 2021.
Author:"How to Target Big Brown Trout." Colorado. Professional fly fishing advice for targeting the biggest brown trout of the year. Mouse flies, streamers and more. October 28, 2021.
Award Winner: Vail Daily press release. "Local writer wins awards for fishing and hunting articles." Colorado. I was awarded multiple writing awards from the 2021 RMOWP conference and contest. October 20, 2021.
Author: "For reels, you've got to keep it clean." Colorado. Advice for cleaning your gear especially your fly fishing reel. October 21, 2021.
Author: "Wrapping up a season on the river" Colorado. Recap of the issues and hazards guides needed to negotiate during this past summer. October 13, 2021.
"Author:"Catalina Island & Calico Bass" California. Echo Fly Fishing website features a blog post I wrote about how my brother, Daniel Salomone, and I made another fly fishing trip out to Catalina Island, California to chase Calico Bass and anything else we could get to eat a fly. Love fishing for Calicos around Catalina. It is an easily attainable, exotic adventure. October 6, 2021.
Author:"Setting up for Fall pike action." Colorado. Embracing the challenge. Northern Pike on the fly. Flies, tactics and gear recommendations as well as a few Colorado locations. October 8, 2021.
Author:"October is the end of the high country season." Colorado. Get your high country trout fishing in before the snow covers them up. October is the last opportunity to catch a high country trout. October 1, 2021.
Author:"Do you keep a fly fishing journal?" Colorado. Advice for keeping a fly fishing journal. Why you would want to create one and the joys it brings to the game. September 24, 2021.
Author: "Here's why you would want a specialty fly rod." Colorado. Some fly fishing professionals divulge their favorite pet fly rods. From 2wt dry fly rods to heavyweight, offshore fly rods every one has a niche. September 17, 2021.
Author: "A Half-dozen for Fall" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. A half dozen flies that will get you into trout during the Fall. September 9, 2021.
Author:"Short and Sweet Information about Streamer Fishing." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. The low down information to get an angler into streamer fly fishing. September 3, 2021.
Author: "A No Nonsense Approach at the School of Trout" Vail daily newspaper. Idaho. Part 2 on attending the School of Trout. August 27, 2021.
Author:"Going Back to School." Vail Daily newspaper. Idaho. Part 1 of 2 about going to School of Trout for an Advanced Dry Fly course. Aug. 20, 2021.
Author: "As Summer Wanes, It's Terrestrial Time." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Information about late summer fly fishing with Terrestrial flies. Aug 13, 2021.
Podcast Guest on the Upland Nation podcast with Scott Linden, host of Wingshooting USA tv. We discuss my recently published article in Upland Almanac magazine, "Snipe at 10,000'. " Aug 12, 2021.
Author: "Small Streams" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Talking about little water, small streams and creeks. Why fly fish them, the gear you need and the rewards. Aug 6, 2021.
Author:"Time to Reach for Some Colorado Gold." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. This column is about Trout Unlimited's new program Colorado Gold. Scott Willoughby helped with the facts. July 30, 2021.
Author:"Why Try Warm Water Fishing?" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Take your fly rod to Gypsum Ponds SWA for warm water species.
July 23, 2021.
Author: "Here's Why You Want to Use a Dry-dropper." Vail Daily newpaper. Colorado. Reasons and rigging for fly fishing with a Dry-dropper tactic. July 16, 2021.
Author:"Snipe at 10,000'." Upland Almanac magazine. Colorado. Hunting Wilson's Snipe in the Colorado high country above 10,000' in elevation. Autumn issue 2021.
Podcast Guest on the Upland Nation podcast with Scott Linden, host of Wingshooting USA tv. We discuss my recently published article in Upland Almanac magazine, "Snipe at 10,000'. " Aug 12, 2021.
Author:"Throw it All." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. The recent emergence of a large variety of bugs allows anglers to throw it all and have success. July 2, 2021.
Author:"It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about rising river temperatures, the affects on the fish and how to get around a difficult angling situation. June 24, 2021.
Author:"The lights are Brighter at Night" Vail Daily newspaper. Florida. Article is about fly fishing at night around dock lights in West Palm Beach, Florida. June 17, 2021.
Author: "Hitting the Beach for Some Florida Fishing." Vail Daily newspaper. Florida. Article is about fly fishing for Snook and fishing with your family. June 10, 2021.
Author: "New to Fly Fishing? Start with the Basics." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about setting up your own fly fishing gear for beginners. June 3, 2021.
Author: "School's Out: Where to take the kids fishing." Vail Daily newspaper Colorado. Article about three stillwaters in Eagle County to take kids fishing. May 28, 2021.
Author: " Fly Fishing & Coming out of COVID-19." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about fly shops coming out of Covid. May 21, 2021.
Author: "Salmonflies, the myths, the facts and the fish of a lifetime." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about the annual Salmonfly hatch in Colorado. May 14, 2021.
Author: "Run off is Here, What's New on the River?" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about Rancho del Rio and what to expect this summer on the Colorado River as well as tips. May 7, 2021.
Author: "It Might Just Be Time to Hit the Road with Fishing Gear." Vail Daily newspaper. Travel. Article about protecting your gear with travel specific luggage for anglers and what should be in that bag. April 30, 2021.
Author: "Mother's Day marks the Time for Warmer Waters." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about preparing for the Mother's Day caddis hatch on the Eagle River. April 23, 2021.
Author:"Meeting the Spring Mayfly Blue Wing Olive aka the BWO." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about the most important mayfly the Blue Wing Olive. April 15, 2021.
Author: "Local Fly Fishing Guides Give Tips for Preseason Float Preparation." Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about preparing your raft for the first float of the season. April 8, 2021.
Author: "How Small is Too Small when it comes to flies while fly fishing in Colorado?" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. Article about fishing with tiny nymphs. April 1, 2021.
Author: "Small water winter fly fishing tips and techniques" FlyLords, article about small water winter fly fishing tactics on Gore Creek, Colorado. March 19, 2021.
**Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers 2021, Award winner. Second Place Electronic Publication category.**
Author: "Flyrods, fiberglass versus graphite" Vail Daily newspaper. Colorado. March 18, 2021.
Author: "How to Harness Motion in High Water while Fishing on Rising Rivers." Vail Daily newspaper, article about utilizing motion as the key factor for choosing your flies and approach to high water fly fishing in Colorado. March 5, 2021.
Author: "Summer Smoke" TROUT magazine. Feature article Voices from the River piece about the wild fires in Colorado, Winter 2021 issue.
** Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers 2021, Award winner. First Place Published Magazine category.**
Author "Subtle fly fishing changes come with the seasons in Colorado" Vail Daily newspaper, an article about how subtle temperature changes trigger feeding activity during winter fly fishing in Colorado. February 18, 2021.
Author: "The Echo Traverse Kit" Echo Fly Fishing website. Product Review, Trout kit. September 10, 2020.
Author & Artist: "How to Paint a Brown Trout Drift Boat" FlyLords magazine. Article features a Colorado Drift Boat rejuvenation ending with a Custom Brown Trout paint job by me. August 9. 2020.
Author: "They Will Always Be Blues." Upland Almanac magazine. Feature article on grouse hunting in the Colorado mountains. July 20, 2020.
** Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers 2021, Award winner. Third Place Published magazine category.**
Author: "A Love Affair with the Gunnison Reel." FlyLords magazine. Focus on the Gunnison fly reel by Ross Reels. May 22, 2020.
Author: "Winter Trout Escapades" Colorado, ECHO Fly Fishing website. Targeted species Trout, February 4, 2020.
Author: "Remembering Tred Barta; An Inspirational Outdoorsman" FlyLords magazine. August 22, 2019.
Author: "Dry Fly Fishing-Tips and Techniques" Colorado, FlyLords magazine. Targeted Species Trout, July 30, 2019.
Author: "Hammers." Colorado, Echo Fly Fishing website. Targeted species Trout, May 16, 2019.
Author: "Winter Fly Fishing Tips: Making the Most Out of Winter Fly Fishing." Colorado, Flylords magazine. Targeted species Trout,
January 14, 2019. Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers 2021 Award winner, Second Place Electronic Publication category.
Author: "5 Reasons Why the Scientific Anglers Amplitude Smooth Flyline is Superior" Colorado, Flylords magazine. Targeted species Trout, December 12, 2018.
Author: "Mahi-Mahi on the BAG" Florida, Echo piece, targeted species MahiMahi/Dorado, Echo Fly Fishing website. July 2, 2018.
Author: "Boca Raton, Florida" Notes piece, targeted species Snook, Jacks and Tarpon, Eastern Fly Fishing magazine. May/June, 2018.
Author: "Double Dipping" Colorado, Echo piece, targeted species Trout, Echo Fly Fishing website. March, 2018.
Author: "Blue Water Dorado, On the Fly" Feature article, Florida location, targeted species MahiMahi/Dorado, On the Fly online magazine. Fall 2017 issue.
Author: "Singer Island, Florida" Notes piece, targeted species Tarpon, Snook and Jacks, Eastern Fly Fishing magazine. Sept./Oct. 2017.
Author: "Autumn in the High Country" Colorado Echo piece, targeted species Trout, Echo Fly Fishing website. September, 2017.
Author: "Peanut Island, Florida" Notes piece, targeted species Snook and Barracuda, Eastern Fly Fishing magazine. Jan./Feb. 2017.
Author: "Stagecoach Reservoir Tailwater, Colorado" Notes piece, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing magazine. Sept./Oct. 2016.
Author: "Adventure on the Sand" Delray Beach, Florida. Feature article, targeted species Snook, Jacks and Tarpon, Eastern Fly Fishing magazine. Jan./Feb. 2016.
Author: "Opening Day" Colorado, targeted species Blue Grouse, Snipe and Sharptail Grouse, The Pointing Dog Journal magazine. September/October 2015 issue.
***First Place award in 2017 from the Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers & Photographers organization.***
Author: "Scioto River, Ohio" Notes piece, Rough Fish Carp, Gar and Buffalo, Eastern Fly Fishing magazine. July/August 2015 issue.
Author: "When Wolves Eat Flies" Stagecoach Reservoir, Colorado. Feature article, targeted species Northern Pike, Southwest Fly Fishing March/April 2015 issue.
Author: "Chantry Flat, California." Notes piece, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing January/February 2015 issue.
Author: "An Affair to Remember, Gore Creek, Colorado" Feature article, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing Nov./Dec. 2014 issue.
Author: "Sneaky-Deaky 'Layover' Bass" Florida article, targeted species Peacock Bass, Fly Rod & Reel magazine Summer 2014 issue.
Author: "South Florida Canals on Foot" Florida Notes section article, targeted species Peacock Bass, Eastern Fly Fishing magazine July/Aug. 2014.
Author: "Sylvan Lake & Brush Creeks, Colorado" Notes section Lead article, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing, May/June 2014 issue.
Author: "Drums of the Scioto" Chillicothe, Ohio Honorable Mention Winner, targeted species Carp and Freshwater Buffalo, My Scioto Valley magazine, Chillicothe Gazette 2014.
Author: "South Fork of the White River, Colorado" Notes lead article, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing, Nov./Dec. 2013 issue.
Author: "Trails to Glory, Gore Canyon, Colorado River." article, targeted species Trout, Fly Rod and Reel, Summer 2013 issue.
Author: "The Fryingpan River, Of Midges and Mysis." Feature article, Colorado, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing, November/December 2012 issue. http://www.matchthehatch.com/SouthwestFlyFishing
Author:"Sixty Miles of Opportunity, Eagle River, Colorado" Feature article, targeted species Trout, Southwest Fly Fishing, July/August 2012 issue. http://www.matchthehatch.com/SouthwestFlyFishing
My published articles can be found in the following magazines.
"Sixty Miles of Opportunity" Eagle River, CO.
July/August 2012
July/August 2012
"Trails to Glory" Gore Canyon on the Colorado River.
Summer issue, 2013
Summer issue, 2013
"Of Midges and Mysis" Fryingpan River, Colorado.
November/December 2012
November/December 2012
"South Fork of the White River, CO." Buford, Colorado.
November/December 2013
November/December 2013
"East & West Brush Creeks, CO." Eagle, Colorado.
May/June 2014
May/June 2014
"South Florida Canals on Foot" Peacock Bass around Miami, FL.
July/August 2014
July/August 2014
Chantry Flat, California.
January/February 2015
January/February 2015
Scioto River, Chillicothe, Ohio. 2015
July/August 2015
July/August 2015
"Opening Day" Colorado bird hunting.
September/October 2015
September/October 2015
"Adventure on the Sand" Delray Beach, Florida 2016.
January/February 2016
January/February 2016
Stagecoach Reservoir Tailwater, Colorado.
September/October 2016
September/October 2016
Peanut Island, Florida.
January/February 2017
January/February 2017