Big Game hunting for a variety of species such as Whitetail Deer, Mule Deer, Elk, Antelope and Black Bear has provided countless days weeks and months immersed in the natural world. Pursuing big game animals with archery equipment, a black powder gun or rifle has taught me the attractions and limitations of each different season.

Small Game hunting provided the arena for me to learn my way around the hardwood forests of the mid-west carrying my first shotgun at age 10. We, my brothers and I, were taught how to chase the squirrels and rabbits of southern Ohio with a passion not easily found today. Our love affair with small game reached its peak when my older brother harvested this once in a lifetime Albino Squirrel in Ross County, Ohio. Whether it is with a .22 rifle, shotgun, small caliber muzzle-loader, archery gear or even a slingshot we cherish the time spent each fall pursuing small game.

Waterfowl hunting has been a big part of my life averaging 40 hunts a season. The chance over the years to Guide Waterfowl Hunters visiting the Eagle River valley has been rewarding. Watching the sun grow out of the snow covered Gore Range has provided numerous mornings with my beloved Labrador, Gunner chasing Teal, Mallard, Golden-eyes, Canada Geese and more.

Upland hunting in Colorado has given me a chance to pursue Pheasant, Chukar, Dusky Grouse, Bandtailed Pigeon, Ptarmigan, Sharptails and Snipe. Hunting over pointing breeds like my beloved Brittany Lola and high energy English Setters or over flushers such as my Labrador Gunner provides exciting shotgunning throughout the high country and western slope.

Turkey hunting in Colorado is an exciting endeavor. Tred Barta and I chased wild turkeys on the Huntsman Ranch in Colorado. Tred bagged a young bird with a 20 gauge Remington 1100 I traded to him for his personal Tred Barta 60 lb longbow with a bow quiver and a dozen wood arrows.
Predator hunting is often a product of preparation and observation. Numerous predators run throughout the mountains of Colorado and the prepared hunter can quickly capitalize on fleeting opportunities. Bobcat sneak throughout the forests often undetected. Coyotes of heavy weight proportions run deer and elk down with coordinated teamwork. And, the Red Fox can reach truly impressive size. All of these offer elusive, challenging quarry to expand a hunter's time in the field and woods.